There are so many fun Disney crafts out there! When planning our trip I searched and searched for bow makers, shirt makers, trinkets books and maps. The most recent thing we made were personalized autograph books! Maybe you've heard before but buying anything in the parks is expensive. Like, take out a second mortgage expensive. So anywhere that we can pinch pennies and make our own, while making it completely personalized and cute as a button is good with me!
First I purchased two plain, 4x3 mini scrapbooks with rings.
They had ones without rings that were cheaper and would also work just as good, but we wanted something a little more sturdy. Next thing I bought some Mickey, Minnie, Princess and Tinkerbell stickers for the girls to decorate with. I got mine at Michaels and they had ones for boys too-- however we wouldn't know anything about that in our house! :) Some alphabet stickers for their names and so be it!
A perfect personalized autograph book for our little princesses. Bonus, Targets dollar spot had packs of princess pens with the necklace attached! They didn't have any boy ones but I'm sure you can find them at other places. Party USA maybe? Walgreen's. Just a thought for the Cars and Toy Story lovers out there!
Your turn! Show off those Disney crafts! Anything goes if it's Disney! :) Don't forget to link back with the D.W button! :) And, if you haven't entered the Princess Clippy giveaway-- go now! There's still time!

We did something similar for our trip to WDW in March. We found Disney themed spiral mini notebooks at Michael's with matching necklace clips (Toy Story, Tinkerbell and Princesses). PERFECT for all the autographs.
WORD OF CAUTION: We lost the Princess book at Epcot day 2. PUT YOUR NAME AND CELL PHONE NUMBER INSIDE EACH BOOK JUST IN CASE. We didn't and lost several valuable signatures (inc. Minnie). You can imagine what the lost and found must look like at Disney World.
Sorry I don't have a blog so I can't post my craft idea - but we made barrettes out of doubled felt circles with bows (ala Minnie Mouse). Even Minnie herself was impressed.
Here's a link we based ours on:
CRAZY CUTE and we glued a small black velcro to the front to change out the bows with each outfit.
Great idea, we are thinking about going to Disney in Oct so i will have to remember about this. We will however have to find some manly ones because we know nothing about girly things in this house.
I never would have thought to make my own autograph book. I am SO doing this before we renew our Disneyland passes!
You bought those stickers because you know it's my faorite font, right? (The font that labels all of my blog posts.)
Have a safe trip! I miss you already.
What a cute idea! I am just loving this week's series, Rachelle. :) I hope you all are having a great time. I am still really envious. ;)
I am featuring this at
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