Monday, May 20, 2013

Birthday Giveaway Day 2013! Today!

It's that time again for the Birthday Giveaway Day! One giveaway every hour.. on the hour all day long!
Make sure you click on over to the new blog to check it out and if you haven't re-subscribe to my blog so you don't miss out on anything! :)
So far in the line up.. Something Diane Made.. Studio Cicada.. Shabby Apple.. Keep em coming!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012




Is this thing on? 

I thought I'd drop in for all of you GFC followers and let you know that I've MOVED

I know.


But, I'm on Wordpress now, and all 2899 of you are missing out. And, that makes me cry. Seriously! 

My children officially look like teenagers..

November came and I'm starting to think my Husband transformed into Opie

 I also chopped up a bunch of little animals and painted them gold. 

See, things are getting crazy over there.

So, I'd love it if you came on over and re-subscribed. :) I've got lots o' things up my sleeve for Christmas (Along with a Holiday Gift Guide, where you can add your OWN small business shop to!) so you definitely don't want to miss out and I definitely don't want to miss you. :)

You can also follow me on Facebook or Instagram for updates, silly pictures and all around good time. 



Thursday, July 5, 2012

Feature Yourself Friday

Happy Friday y'all. 

Did you enjoy your middle of the week break as much as we did? Even though today felt like the second Monday of the week, I survived it and it'll be nice to have a surprise Friday tomorrow. At least, I sure think it will. 

Since it's the beginning of the month I'd like to give a little shout-it-out to all the amazing sponsors who help this place run smoothly. Not to mention help fund some of the projects around this joint. :) They're a true blessing, won't you go check 'em out? something diane made Dresses from Shabby Apple Alternative Name  
Click on any of those fancy buttons there and they'll take you to a magical fun place.. ;) 
Now, back to the party.. 
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Chalkart part two.

It was high time to change up our chalkboard wall, and since I broke out the Summer To-Do-List I wanted something beachy.

 First up.. Pinterest, obviously.

Which led me to this post.

Holy moly!

I fell in love with her blog, Burlap and Denim; but that's a post for another day. For now we'll just concentrate on her chalkboard which is uber awesome. She also has great taste in chalk art by the looks of her pinboard.

So since imitation is the highest form of flattery, or at least I'm saying it is.. I went at it with my own version.

I'm really into anchors right now, remember?

So I added the big guy right there..

How many pictures can you really take of a chalkboard, ya know?

So that's it. Hopefully you feel inspired, found a new pinterest board to peruse and a new blog to stalk, all in one! Has Summer officially started in your neck of the woods? It has in ours, and I'm in love. I've been sharing tidbits of it on my instagram feed, if you'd like to follow along, I'm FOTFBlog.

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