Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sponsor Looooove.

Hey friends! It's that time again where I'd like to give a little love to the sponsors over here at FOTF, they help keep this place going and help with the little projects I like to do at home. What would this blog be without them? I'm not quite sure. :)

We have a lot of new sponsors this month, I'm excited to share them with you.

Whimsy Couture Pattern Shop

Whimsy Couture is a lovely shop filled (and I mean filled..TONS) with Ebooks for every sewing project you could imagine. Oh how I wish my sewing machine wasn't in storage right now.

She also has a blog and a fun little party called Let's Sew where you can show off your creations!

Whimsy Couture

Hmm.. and she may or may not have something special planned for FOTF readers this week. ;)

BlM Crafts and Creations is a shop owned by the lovely Brandi who creates and sells crocheted goodies!


She was kind enough to offer up the Newsboy Hat last week (which I'll announce the winner of soon! Pinky swear!)

She has some other lovelies too--

And a blog, of course! She's new to the "scene" so make sure you check her out, we all know how fun it is to have new visits when you just started up a blog.

Katie Keller is another new blogger who just started because she said she loves to write-- so she did!

(You blog? What's a blog? A diary you want people to read! - Name that show!)
I personally love non- nich blogs- Kind of like Mommy blogs, day to day stuff, thoughts etc. I'm nosey so I enjoy it. :) That's what Katie does, writes about what she wants when she wants.

Love That!

She just wrote about chocolate covered potato chips and you know...I'm strangely intrigued. I'm all about chocolate covered pretzels mmm.. Getting hungry!

I can't wait to see her keep truckin' with this.. I love new bloggers! :)

My friend Irina is a SUPER talented photographer based out of Northern Virginia. I could stare at her work all day!
Photography by Irinia

She also has an Etsy Shop with a gorgeous selection of spring prints. LOVE. THEM.

*pst! Spoiler alert! Look for a Photography by Irina giveaway coming up in April!*

You all know the girls from Pocket full of Posies already since they're hosting this weeks giveaway.

Pocket full of Posies is an idea that was created by two sisters to help you with the daily task of meal planning. If you're anything like me meal planning usually happens between the hours of 4:00-5:00 PM the witching hour. The kids are crazy, I'm tired, flustered and the last thing I want to do is figure out what to make for dinner and then make it. To be quite honest I suck at meal planning. But their product is awesome. And, pretty. Sometimes I think pretty things help me be more organized. Haven't you ever bought a new pretty calender and said "THIS will make me be organized. I know it" and you get super excited to whip out that pen and make it all cute and clean and AWESOME. Yep me too. This will do that to you, it's like magic.

 Yum..Just yum.

Amy is the shop owner over at Peek-a-boo patterns and she's got some ca-ute patterns for itty bitty shoes!

She also has a blog- Naptime Crafters! Filled with fun tutorials, reviews and linky parties!

It's this site where you go through questions about your kid(s) and it maps out advice and such just for them! Pretty shhweeet.

Kidtelligent is a first-of-its-kind parenting and educational resource to maximize children's academic, athletic and social potential. At the heart of Kidtelligent is a research-based questionnaire that assesses a child's natural personality and strengths and resources that develop in childrens' self-awareness and build self-confidence. It was developed by notable and well-respected childhood developmental professionals. Kidtelligent leverages 30 years of clinical data and research in a real world application. It is customized to each child, ages 7-13 with individualized feedback and tools to help each child maximize their talents.

Neat right? Try it!

Say It On the Wall

Say it on the Wall vinyl just hopped on the Fingerprints sponsor train and I'm soooo glad they did! Have you seen their stuff.. Awesome. Just awesome.

Definitely a good go-to vinyl shop to have.

And, the lovely Busy Budgeting Mama! Love her! Shes a wife, Mother, graphic designer and a party lover! I swear the parties that she shows on her blog are SHHHWEEET!

And, the cupcake toppers she makes are darling. Okay, fine everything is darling including her two precious little girls.  She had a big sister kit that I definitely want to steal someday. :)

I'm hooked on her blog and you should be too, pinky swear.

Significantly Simple is the blog run by my newest blog friends, Heather and Laila. 
Their blog is full of fun things from product reviews, "crunchy living" ala, being more green which I'm currently digging big time, and recipes. Woohoo! 
In their words:
We created Significantly Simple as a means of helping others to live a simple, but significant life.  We aren’t always able to find, buy, make, or support the best of the best, but we can do our best to live an authentic life.  An authentic life does not mean having the biggest and best of everything, but being the biggest and best to yourself and your family.

Isn't that super inspiring?

Everyone in blog land knows Cap Creations! If you don't you're missing out that's for sure. She makes some darling jewelry. And she has a heart of freakin' GOLD buddies. Gold.
My newest addiction of hers.. LOVE LOVE LOVE

Plus! She has a blog, with freakin' awesome ideas like this one

something diane made

Diane is a friend of mine who I recently connected with that has the cutest little up and coming shop!
She specializes in crochet items, like these cute little hats, and neckwarmers! 

And her NEW product, clutches and ear warmers! Shhhweet!

She also throws random giveaways A LOT on her facebook-- it helps to be a follwer of hers! You could win some free loot!

My blogger BFF! Even if she weren't my other half living across the country, I'd still love her blog, her shop and everything else about this little ball o' fire. 
She blogs

She sews

She creates, Nuff' said.

Erin is a fantastic photographer from Myrtle Beach S.C with a great eye for photos! If you live in the area or anywhere semi-near it, I'd highly recommend her, in fact I keep trying to get her to come to Michigan so I can use her talent! :)

Dresses from Shabby Apple

Shabby Apple was lovely enough to sponsor a giveaway last month and I'm so glad they did! I hadn't seen their dresses before and oh boy, was I missing out! They have some great modest women's dresses that can be casual or more dressy. Love. love love. 

Dresses from Shabby Apple

And, they have little girl's dresses! 

Thanks again to my lovely sponsors for being so awesome! Go show some love and check them out will ya?


{southern bliss...sealed with a kiss} said...

I'm a huge fan of your blog, and I'm definitely going to be following it regularly now! :) I was just admiring all of your sponsors' sites, and I was so happy to see that Erin Dietrich is in Myrtle Beach too! Looking forward to hopefully keeping in touch with both of you! :)

Hope you have a great night!

Take care,

DIY Crush Blog said...

Thank you so much for this nice feature about me!:)

Irina said...

Great Stuff! Can't wait till April :) xoxo

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