Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day goodies.

Happy Valentines Day! 

I hope you're indulging in chocolate and hugging on your sweeties today. 

But, just in case you need a few more quick and fun ideas to make the day extra special I've compiled a little list for you! 

Adorable hair style for your little cupcake

If you want to go for a more Valentines-night-in-approach. 

Add some twinkle Christmas lights.. and a movie and this would be my perfect date, seriously. 

Perfect Valentines Nails

This is some serious sugar, but if it's just for one day out of the year you could probably let it slide ;)

My kids would adore me if I made one of these for them to come home from school to. Love it. 

So there ya go! Some quick and easy ideas if you're a slacker like me and haven't been stalking Pinterest since January. I pinky swear I'm going to be better about St. Patricks day... ;) Maybe. 


Organically Mo said...

I LOVE the hair idea....wish I had a kid to do this to! lol
Happy Valentine's Day!

Shannah @ Just Us Four said...

The hair idea is so cute. If only my daughter would sit still long enough for me to do that to her!
The marshmallow and M&M dish looks so yummy.

Mama Up! said...

I am a slacker, too, but I have an excuse because it's also my daughter's birthday and we've been thinking about her party instead of V-day. Now I wish I had something planned for my husband and myself, though :(

fiberdoodles said...

That hair heart is way to cute! Thanks for the inspirations! Happy Valentines Day!

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