Tuesday, November 4, 2008

HobLob...and Mikeys.

Oh, the possibilities of a day off and one child in preschool. I was able to go to not one, but TWO of my favorite stores, even better LB2 was asleep the whole time. Peace, quiet, and 70% off sales. Nice.

I got the cutest hanging door leaf thingy.... but I can't show you that quite yet.. I have to pack it up in the Thanksgiving box so Hubs can unpack it thinking we've always had it... what? You don't do that? Oh your not married to MR. PERFECT who doesn't understand that we NEED that 500th fall item. We Need it, I tell you.

Oh well, anyways it's gorgeous. 'Nuff said.

I got a wonderful and strong and sturdy wicker basket (I freaking love baskets, it's an addiction really.) For the toys, because the little devils little angels seemed to have broke our last one. Weird.

27.99 on sale for... dun dun dun.. 8.00! Whoo hoo! I might just go get more! I mean, how long is this one really going to last? Shouldn't I have a back up? I could use that on Mr. P, he might let me get another? What do you think?

Okay, and lastly I copied a fellow blogger who I can't link because well I don't know how. Anyways she has these adorable hand prints in frames and I had to do it. Had to.

Frames at Michael's 50% off... 10.00 for two, scrapbook paper 79 cents.. paint, already got it and voila!

Cute right? This is right outside both girl's rooms, and I think its just sweet. Sorry the picture is so bad. Sucky camera. Hate. It.

Oh one more thing, have I mentioned how nice this time change is? Bedtime used to be when and wherever the girls fell around 9:30ish and now. This is what happens around 8ish.. Nice. Love it!


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