Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Love these pictures. Love.Them. Love the babes in the pictures. The cute little lips and the button noses. The chunky faces, soft hair. The peacefulness. The innocence. I literally can go back in time and remember the moment taking these pictures.
I have an adorable project coming up with these photos. Stay tuned!
And, can you guess who's who?


1. Unknown said...

Those are the sweetest pictures! The most precious pictures I have of my kids are when they are sleeping. Like you said, the innocence. It's like you just want time to stand still and for them to be there always. Can't wait to see what you do with your photos.


2. Its So Very Cheri said...

Awww and that sweet baby smell.

Thank you so much for visiting and leaving a sweet comment. I am so glad you left a comment, that is how I get to know you better. I look forward to many more. I hope you come by often and become a follower.

Its So Very Cheri

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