Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oink Oink!

The verdict is in. We're a house full of sickies. Well, luckily I'm not but any Mom knows that when your child is sick-- it takes it's toll on you! Two a.m lukewarm baths, coughing, cuddling. Yep we've got the H1N1 at our house. NOT FUN.

So, nothing was done today on my day off but I do have a fun link for you to enjoy! Edible Arrangements is giving away a box of dipped fruit if you join as a Facebook friend! Helllllo chocolate!Hurry & sign up, giveaway ends once they reach 100k! Enjoy!


Roeshel said... breaks my heart when little ones are sick. Hope they're feeling better soon.

Thanks for the tip on the chocolates! ;)

Hope you have a peaceful night with plenty of rest.

Unknown said...

I hope everyone feels better and that you stay well. :)

Great blog design you have. I'm adding you to my blog roll. :)

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