Monday, August 24, 2009

When my hair said, "Stop.Now".

When I bleached my hair to the brink of falling out. My hair said, "Stop now".
When it was 9:00 pm and I was bored and grabbed a box of light ash brown. My hair said,
"Stop now".
When it turned gray because of too much ash, my hair said, "Stop now".
When I asked my bff to go get me a box of highlights at 10:00 to undo what I did, my hair said, "Stop now".
When said highlights turned white, my hair said, "Stop now".
When I asked bff to yet again go to the store to get deep brown to cover up my mistakes at 12:30 a.m my hair said, "Stop now".
When my hair turned green, my hair said, "Stop now".
When I called the salon and they were booked, my hair said
"Told you so".


Chris said...

This made me laugh! Shave it off an start over! Uhhh...that's a joke. Don't do that.

Carolyn said...

Ah!! Funny!(and sad) That happened to me last week - except that I decided to give myself bangs - which are now extremely short, which are good for nothing!

Callie Ann said...

Where are the play-by-play pictures?

This Heavenly Life said...

So funny :) Hope it's better now?

Carrie said...

Oh my goodness, what a funny spin on a common error! About 10 years ago I convinced myself I could do my own highlights and bought a box and went to town on my hair. Unfortunately, I bleached it to the roots with made it look like I had spots on my head with no hair. I had to go to the salon to get it corrected, and $200 later I was SUPER-BLONDE.

The funny thing is I met my husband that next weekend, and he thought it was natural. Boy does he know better now when those salon bills roll in!

Thanks for the laugh, and Happy Saturday SITS day!


howdy girl - freezing my a** off over here in ohio too - kind of - go bucks, anyhow, visiting from SITS and love your blog looking forward to following you!

Carma Sez said...

Oh no!! I had my hair bleached once; and it looked fried; so I returned to the salon to get it back to my normal color - and he dyed it the blackest black I've ever seen. It was horrible ;

Hope you are able to get it back in good shape!

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