Monday, May 17, 2010

Kitchen+Bath Makeovers

Want a sneak peek at what's on my nightstand today? 

Want a closer sneak peek?

It's like Christmas and my birthday combined. 
I might scream. 
Just a little. :)

Want to see how we got here? Check it out.. here, here or here!


1. Natalie of said...

oh my goodness!!! rachelle that is awesome! congrats!!!

ps love the ikea pot. i have those all over my house. hehe.

2. Sarah AKA The Thriftress said...

That is AMAZING! Congratulations!

3. The House Creative said...

now I have to go get a copy so I can stalk you. :-) Congrats!

4. Amber Filkins said...

Congrats! My mother in law always gets those, so I'm sure I'll read it while we're up at her house this summer. :)

5. Katie said...

I am so insanely excited for you! I think that is about every DIY blogger's dream.

6. Kenzie said...

Yeah! Congratulations!

7. 1 Funky Woman said...

This is so fantastic, how exciting! You are a super star! One could only dream of being in a magazine and look at how your dream came true!

I am having my 1st giveaway at my blog, I'd love for you to stop by!


8. Sausha @ {Sweet Pickins} said...

how exciting is that!! i am so happy for you :) Did they tell you they were going to publish that or did you just see it in there?

9. Unknown said...

Are you kiddin' me??? Oh, my gosh! I had no idea this was happening; or should I say I don't remember. This is too cool; gonna get me a copy! Congratulations!!


10. Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

You go girl!!! So excited for you and also slightly envious. ;) ;) Yay!!!

11. Katie Olthoff said...


12. Tidy Brown Wren said...

Will you sign my copy since you are famous now? Congrats to you, my friend.

13. Unknown said...

Awesome!! I bet you are over the moon! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for this one.

14. Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was reading that exact magazine and article on Saturday at the bookstore. Wish I knew it was you!!

How exciting!!!!


15. Betsy Thompson said...

Holy friggin awesome!!!! I need to go buy a copy now! Awesome. I would be ecstatic.

16. Heather said...

AHHHHHH I'll scream w you! How AWESOME is that?! congrats!
Heather @

17. Shanna said...

Congrats! I gave you and award on my blog, although it's not as awesome as this!

18. Crystal said...

Wow! Congrats that is so exciting and your kitchen is beautiful.

19. Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

I am soooo impressed!!!!!

20. Lisa @ Shine Your Light said...

Congratulations! That is so wonderful and you deserve it with all the inspiration you pour out on this blog!! How wonderful.

21. Unknown said...

NO WAYYY!!! That is so great Rachelle I am so happy for you! How exciting you completely deserve it!


Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!

22. sprytemarie said...

I can not wait to go get my copy!!! So totally awesome!!! You rock!!! Yeah!!! It's better than Christmas cuz it's ALL YOU!!! :-) Just awesome


23. Be Colorful Coastal said...

Oh wow. If that was me you would hear me squealing all they over here in Iowa. :) Well deserved and congrats.

24. Kristi said...

love love love those magazines!! And those are my two favorite makeover places!!! Your nightstand is A LOT cleaner than mine :)

25. Kristi said...

ok so I'm a little blonde, YOU are featured!!!! YAY! going to get that today!! YAY YOU! :)

26. Rachel said...

Rachelle, your kitchen is beautiful! I'm glad we had the opportunity to work together on the article. Enjoy your big moment on the glossy pages!


27. Rebecca@This Present Life said...

Wow!!! How did you get that feature? That's awesome! I hope you bought ALL of them that you could find. To add to that (although not nearly to that magnitude), I'm awarding you the Versatile Blogger Award because I think you're fantastic! Go check out my blog when you have a chance.

28. Megan Joy said...

Congrats! That is very exciting!

29. Cara@HomespunKitchen said...

WOOHOO!!!! Congrats to you!!!

30. Unknown said...

Girl!!! You are awesome!!!! Congrats!

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